Friday, March 7, 2008

Off They'll Go

It is nearly unbelieveable to me that four years ago at this time, I was trying to figure out how I was going to make it through my day that started promptly at 6:00 am with the moans and groans of three hungry infants.Come August, I will be trying to figure out how to awaken four children, make them presentable, and feed them, before loading them into our personal bus to get them to school on time.
You see, today, I hand delivered three kindergarten registration packets to the front office of the elementary school where my trio will start school in the fall. Within minutes of that delivery, I hand delivered to the district office, the registration packet for Annie to begin preschool come April.

I'm convinced that there has been some warp speed happening in our home, for it seems that just yesterday, they were babies, swaddled up in receiving blankets, and drinking formula from a luke-warm bottle.

Mark accuses me of being much too eager in sending the kids off to school, but in all reality, I'm all talk.

Sure, it will be nice to resume organization within the house.

Absolutely, I'm looking forward to finally getting some semblance of a scrapbook for each one of my four children.

There's no doubt that I will enjoy a bit of peace and tranquility within the walls of my home while the children are away at school.

But it is certainly bittersweet. It's something like eating a whole box of devil's food cake, chocolate Enterman's donuts and then realizing that each one cost you 360 calories. Yah, that's the best comparison!

I'm thrilled that my children will be attending a wonderful school and filling their brains with all sorts of valuable information, but it's the realization that my babies are growing up, that causes an unconsolable pang in my stomach that I'm sure will never go away.

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