Monday, April 7, 2008

And then they do...

It's the day I've been thinking about for quite awhile now.

The day where I could go on my morning jog without pushing the annoying jogger stroller that continuously veers to the right.

The day I could do a load of laundry without having to kick one kid after another out of the laundry room and remind them not to hang on the washing machine door.

The day I could shower in complete silence without having to answer to my name being called 101 times.

The day I could run into store after store and actually get all the things on my list without having to give an uncountable number of reminders to, "Stay close...Watch out for others...Please put the toys back on the shelf....No, we are not going to the bathroom. I just asked if you had to go before we left the house.....No, we are not buying anything this time...and so on and so forth.

The day is here. Last night I packed four lunch boxes instead of just three. I put four kids in play clothes instead of just three, because today, April 7, 2008, my baby, Annie, started preschool.

Mark and I have been discussing for days how traumatic it was going to be for her. She has been attached at my hip since she has been born, wanting to be with me whenever possible. Although she really wants to be like her brother and sisters and spend the night places, she always changes her mind and ends up staying with me in the end.
Little did I know, I would be the one shedding tears upon leaving the classroom. She was perfectly content to find a place at the table and paint a paper plate with her sisters. Not on tear was shed by her eyes, but from mine, they were flowing.
I left the classroom feeling completely alone. There was no one beckoning to me, "Up-ee!" There was no one to buckle into the carseat. There was no one shooting questions at me at a rate of a million per minute. I was even able to listen to "big kid music" on the radio without any complaints from the back seat.
All I could think of were the lyrics to Trace Adkins song, "And then they do."
In the early rush of morning,
Trying to get the kids to school:
One's hanging on my shirt-tail,
Another's locked up in her room.
And I'm yelling up the stairs:
"Stop worrying 'bout your hair, you look fine."
Then they're fightin' in the backseat,
And I'm playing referee.
Now someone's gotta go,
The moment that we leave.
And everybody's late,
I swear that I can't wait till they grow up.
Then they do, and that's how it is.
It's just quiet in the mornin',
Can't believe how much you miss,
All they do and all they did.
You want all the dreams they dreamed of to come true:
Then they do.
Now the youngest is starting college,
She'll be leavin' in the Fall.
And Brianna's latest boyfriend,
Called to ask if we could talk.
And I got the impression,
That he's about to pop the question any day.
I look over at their pictures,
Sittin' in their frames.
I see them as babies:
I guess that'll never change.
You pray all their lives,
That someday they will find happiness.
Then they do, and that's how it is.
It's just quiet in the mornin',
Can't believe how much you miss,
All they do and all they did.
You want all the dreams they dreamed of to come true:
Then they do.
No more Monday PTA's,
No carpools, or soccer games.
Your work is done.
Now you've got time that's all your own.
You've been waitin' for so long,
For those days to come.
Then they do, and that's how it is.
It's just quiet in the mornin',
Can't believe how much you miss,
All they do and all they did.
You want all the dreams they dreamed of to come true:
Then they do.
Ah, then they do.


Celtic Kitten said...

Oh thanks Terrell. I'm pms-ing enough without having to cry in my morning coffee!! Time goes by SO fast doesn't it. I remember when the surprise of Annie happened. And now she's a big girl off on her own. Don't worry, they still want to snuggle with Mommy no matter what age. I have to go blow my nose now.

The Amazing Trips said...

This makes me want to WEEP!! I keep getting these glimpses of our kids, growing up, going to school - going on dates - driving - moving away to college.

Once you are there, it certainly seems that it does go by fast. I, too, remember the announcement of Annie. It doesn't seem possible that she's already in preschool...!!!

Anonymous said...

Don't you just wish you could stop time. As they get older and more involved in other things, like sports, time flys. My Garrett is going into Kind. Just like yours. I'm already crying. He's not, just me.