(Disclaimer--This post contains a politcal undertone that may be offensive to some parties. It is not my intent to upset or offend...just have fun!)I never dreamed that I would live through a time when our country was experienceing such major dilemna's.
The stock market dropping by the hundreds on a daily basis.
A possible future president that has minimal experience and a value system as stinky as a half-empty milk sippy cup that has been misplaced under a bed for 2 weeks.
A large sector of the American people who want to bring down the family value system like a building being detonated from below.
Houses lost to repossession at a rate comparable to the wing-flutter-per-second of a hummingbird.
And the list goes on and on.
And while all of these dilemma's are happening in the world, I, too, am facing a dilemma of my own.
Not nearly as frightening as the dilemma that our country and its' inhabitants are experiencing, but a dilemma none-the-less.
You see, I am receiving love notes by the hundreds! I have some admirers that are quick to express their love in writing.
Don't fret. The dilemna is not that my husband is not aware. He is the recipient of an equal amount of love notes.
My dilemna is this...What on earth am I supposed to DO with all of these love notes?
Have you ever tried to throw something away with the words, "I love you" staring back at you, written across the paper in your child's 5-year-old handwriting? If you haven't, let me be the first to tell you, IT'S A DILEMNA.
"What an uncaring, cold individual you are, throwing away your children's love notes," is what you may be thinking at this moment in time. And I can identify with your concern, but please hear me out, mathematically speaking.
My husband and I happily receive at least 5 notes a day per child. Mutliply that by 2, since there are 2 of us, and you get 10 notes per day. Then multiply that by 4, because we have 4 children and you get 40 love notes in a day.
It doesn't sound ALL that bad until you multiply that by 365 days in a year and you get 14,600 love notes in a year. Now that my friends is substantial.
For more reasons than one.
Environmentalists would most likely tell you that our family should be putting forth more of an effort to perserve our forests, by cutting down on the love notes circulating our family. They would probably suggest a white board, or something along those lines. (Who am I kidding. They would probably be bothered that the fumes from the pens are permeating our ozone layer, thus destroying it.)
I'm actually really not that concerned with what the environmentalists are thinking. The Type-A in me is much more concerned about how to file and save the above mentioned love notes.
Do I file them alphabetically under each child's name?
Do I file them in a file under, "Love Notes?"
Do I buy a 456th plastic bin and print out a computer label with the words, "Love Notes from Kids," and a clip art of a little piece of paper that I downloaded from the internet?
Are you relating yet to my dilemna?
If I only I could get the main line to the inexperienced presidential candidate who seems to have an answer for everything. I'm sure he could come up with a solution to my dilemna.
And if he couldn't find the solution, I'm sure he could find someone to blame for my problem!