Thursday, September 11, 2008

"Dear God...

Please help Mommy to be happy tomorrow."

That was the prayer that Annie prayed just before dozing off to dreamland.

And Isaac's prayer? His was right along those same lines.

"Dear God, Please help Mommy to not yell."

I hate to admit it, but I had one of those evenings. Or was it afternoon? Or has it been one of those weeks?

I sincerely thought that the kids going back to school was going to solve all of our problems. I pictured picking up three mentally and physically exhausted children from school each day. Children who would be ready to come home, have a snack, rest awhile, do some homework, eat dinner, bathe, read a bedtime story, and then, hit the pillow.

Boy was I wrong.

It is my assumption that my children are well-behaved at school, mind their manners, and even act as if they love each other in the classroom.

It is the only logical assumption. It is the only reason that would explain why they are ready to let it all out upon arrival to our car parked just 100 yards away in the school parking lot. They've spent six hours putting on this show and they can't handle it any longer when that bell rings.

I'm telling you, my kids go to war the minute we climb into the car. They fight about who is sitting in which seat. They fight about how long it is taking each one to get buckled in. You name it--they will fight about it!

And the fighting only continues at home. And my temper only shortens, hence the prayers of my darling children!

If their prayers aren't answered quick, they're going to have to visit Mommy in the insane asylum!


Anonymous said...

Yes, yes, yes, Terrell... That's the way it goes. But we would rather them behave at school than act out out school. Right? That's what i keep telling myself. Your not alone. All mommies have these afternoons. Or maybe just you and me!!!

Celtic Kitten said...

Can you get a double room at the asylum and I'll go with you. Remember my splitting up my three so when they got home after their 6hours they'd like eachother? Never worked. I just keep telling myself that if they acted like this at school it would be much worse.

Anonymous said...

Oh YES, I can relate.

My three do this too. It is always something. I think after school they are exhausted and tired but it comes out through fighting and acting out instead of sleep.


Dana said...

That is soooo cute and hilarious, T! Ha ha.