Friday, August 29, 2008

Blurred Vision

My vision this past week has been far from 20/20. As I look back, all I see is a cloud of dust where we once were. My driveway has had so much come-and-go traffic in the past four days, I can faintly see tire tread marks in the cement. And all the tire tread marks can be traced back to my very own vehicle.

All of this, due to the fact that my children started school on Monday.These are the things I know for sure:

*School starts sharply at 7:55 am.

*We must leave our house promptly at 7:20 am to snatch a parking space in order to walk the kids to class.

*Their class is held in the northern most classroom on the school property.

*School is excused at 1:55 pm.
*I must leave my house promptly at 1:15 to snatch a parking space in order to pick the kids up.

Other than those's all a blur!

I'm still trying to figure out how my kids can come home from school with more energy than the Tazmanian Devil after a triple shot of espresso, while I need the mother of all naps.


And I thought this whole going to school things was going to free up my days and give me the time I needed for myself. I'm about as tired as I was almost five years ago when I had three infants drinking bottles around the clock!

I'm sure in time I will grow accustomed to the routine of getting the kids to school and picking them back up, but until then, I'm the one who's begging for the afternoon nap!

Is it almost summer yet? NOT!!!


Anonymous said...

Yes Terrell, the first week is always the hardest. However, afternoons NEVER get easier...Can you say homework-homework-homework!!!! YUCK...

Jocelyn S. Lomahan said...

You're hilarious! Glad you survived the first week...very strategic that they gave you a three day weekend to recoup!

Wish us luck next week :)

Mei-Ling said...

I know!! I feel the same!!!! Everything was a blur and I can't believe we're coming up on the 2nd week of school already. Can I catch my breath just a little? Just think, we have at least 11 more years of this until they can start driving ;)

Celtic Kitten said...

I found that the Kindergarten year was more exhausting on me than when they were home all day. Just you wait though, when 1st grade comes around you really do have more time. Oh but then Annie will be in Kindergarten. OK, just you wait, when 2nd grade comes around...

Jenny said...

I was laughing when you made the comment about how early you have to arrive at school just to get a parking spot :) That is so true. I was just telling Mei that my car is stocked with magazines/books/snacks for the 30 minute wait until school gets out. You hit that right on the spot.

On a side note, thank you for the prayers to my dad. Very sweet of you :) No wonder Mei speaks so highly of you!