Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The Tooth Fairy Returns

As if I didn't have enough experiences on my resume, I've had to add Tooth Fairy?

It is official...Angel's delivery of any word beginning with the letter "S" is temporarily slurred by the loss of both front teeth.

Last night at dinner, she lost the second wobbly tooth, and she is now the proud owner of a window in her mouth!

She does not discriminate who she shares this information with.



Fellow shoppers

Fellow restaurant patrons

Friends at school

Strangers at school

Strangers anywhere for that matter!

She's very proud of this new loss!

And I'm thankful that I'll get lots of practice playing tooth fairy, because I'm not very good at it! I don't have the gentle touch for removing the tooth and replacing it with money. I nearly hit the ground last night when I tried to make a speedy escape after I caused Angel to stir!

By the time all the baby teeth in this house have fallen out, I'll be a pro!

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