Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Just Out of Curiousity Moms...

When is the last time…….

YOU took a bath in your sunken tub, instead of your kids? You got into your car and your music was blaring instead of your kids’?
You ate your entire meal without having to stop and give seconds, pour more milk, or clean up spilled milk?

You watched the morning news instead of Zaboomafoo or Curious George?
You climbed into bed only ONCE before your alarm clock beckoned you in the morning?
Your tape dispenser, stapler, or pens were in the same place you left them the last time you used them?

You sat down and watched a television program without being body-slammed by one, two, three, or four or more children?

You had a telephone conversation without shooing children away or whisper-screaming that you’ll be done in just a second?

Your house stayed clean for more than 20 minutes after the housekeeper has left?
You took an uninterrupted shower while your children were awake?
You went a whole day without being summoned more than five-hundred-sixty-five times?

You ate every bite of your bite-sized chocolate chip cookie?
You were told, “I love you” as many times as you were summoned that same day?
You looked into someone’s eyes and felt such unconditional love?
You were given a sloppy, wet kiss and loved every minute of it?
You were told that you were the best mom, even when you felt like such a failure?

Just out of curiosity…

I’d love to hear your, “When is the last time…”


Anonymous said...

Or, how about, When was the last time you went to bathroom in peace? without kids trying to unlock the door, or peeking under the door or just simply non stop knocking? Try Never!!

Anonymous said...

Or, how about, When was the last time you went to bathroom in peace? without kids trying to unlock the door, or peeking under the door or just simply non stop knocking? Try Never!!

Celtic Kitten said...

You slept alone. You didn't find sand all over the house. You didn't clean toothpaste off of every surface in the bathroom. You had an entire cup of hot coffee. You smelled shampoo clean heads after every one was asleep. You squeezed perfect round bottoms. You watched the wonderment on faces from a first trip to Disneyland.