Sunday, August 24, 2008

A New Chapter Begins

Dear Angel, Isaac, and Bella,

Tonight I put the three of you to bed with a sense of sadness, yet excitement for you, as tomorrow you will begin a new chapter in your lives. You, my three sweet babies, my pride and joy, will embark on a new adventure...kindergarten!

Although I have dreamed of this very day, some peace and solitude in my very own home, I am choking back tears as I imagine how life is going to change, not only for you, but for me as well.

For you see, you will always be my babies, and I will forever feel the need to shelter and protect you.

How on earth will I make sure you wash your hands before you eat?

And who is going to make sure you finish all of your lunch before heading off to play?

More importantly, how am I going to make sure that you are being treated fairly by those around you?

Five years can't possibly have been enough time to teach you all that you need to know before heading off to school. In fact, I can't believe that it has even been nearly five years since I have been blessed with each of you!

Although I know you are more than ready to begin this chapter, and I know without a shadow of a doubt that you will succeed beyond my wildest dreams, I'm having a hard time letting you go!

Who is going to dump every single dinosaur and transformer out on the floor and then baulk when it is time to clean them all up?

When will you possibly have time to antagonize one another, until someone throws up their arms in a fit of rage?

What famished children will I dish snacks out to all day?

Angel, Isaac, and Bella...I love you more than words could ever express! I'm looking forward to this turn of a page into the next chapter of our lives where we can make even more wonderful memories.

And no matter will ALWAYS be my babies!

With cuddles and kisses,

Your Mommy



A Perfect Pandemonium said...'s sad but good for the kids and YOU!! I am dreading when Cody goes to Kindergarten but at the same time I know I will learn to appreciate the break. Especially since there are three little boys running around here now!

Mei-Ling said...

What a beautiful letter!!! I can't believe Kindergarten is already here! These past 5 years have flown by. I will definitely miss these years.

The Amazing Trips said...

Terrell, what a bittersweet day. Looking at those pictures of your sweet babies in the NICU ... does it really seem like the time is already upon you to send them off to school?! It's unfathomable just how quickly time does go.

I hope everyone had a good day. You especially. :)

Jenny said...

It was great meeting you too at Mei's on Sunday! What a beautiful letter you wrote your kids - they will treasure that over the years :) You are such a great writer! So cute to see pictures of the kids as babies and compare how fast they've grown. Let the kindergarten adventures begin!

Dana said...


T - that was so beautiful and touching. I, too, can't believe they're starting kindergarten! It seems like just yesterday when Ange and I would come visit and we would all take a baby to hold! :)

Hope the day went great - they will do wonderfully.


Jocelyn S. Lomahan said...

This was a beautiful will be so great for the kids to look back on this day and know what your thoughts were. Sofia is starting in 5 days, do you think it's enough time to teach her about a billion more things I wanted to before she starts school? so glad we met!!!! I love your blog!