Saturday, January 26, 2008

Undergarment Inundation

Could it be considered an insanity that the contents of my childrens’ undergarment drawers are as follows:

Angel & Bella:
87 pairs of socks- 50 colored/37 white
46 pairs of panties-Baring pictures of everyone from Hello Kitty to Princess Ariel

50 pair of socks- mostly white but at least one of every masculine color in the rainbow
40 pairs of underwear- 7 of which are boxer briefs, 3 of which are training pants, which he hasn’t needed for at least 2 years now

93 pairs of socks: 49 colored/44 white
64 pairs of panties-mostly character-including but not limited to Curious George, Dora the Explorer, and My Little Pony

I know what you are thinking… “I might consider the excess amount of undergarments in your childrens’ drawers an insanity, but at this moment, you seem more like an insanity to me because you took the time to count all of the garments. And you categorized them down to their color!”

And if you knew that that’s what I was doing on a Wednesday afternoon when I was free of children, I fear you might really think I’m nuts.

I know I have problems. I believe I have admitted that before. But for the last few weeks, each time I’ve reached into my kids’ drawer to pull out socks or underwear for them to wear, I’ve told myself that I need to organize the mess. The state of the undergarment drawer had not been up to my organizational standard for quite some time, and I couldn't stand it one.more.minute.

Statistically speaking, the contents of the drawers should be exciting for me. It means Angel and Bella would have enough panties for 23 days before I needed to launder more. Isaac could have enough for 37 days, being that I finally tossed out the training pants, and Annie could make it more than 2 whole months before I would need to wash panties.

And in the sock department, I’m even better off yet! Especially considering there are many days when Isaac begs to wear the same socks a second day, aspiring to be a “stinky, smelly, monster!”

So why do my children own this ghastly number of undergarments? I really have no reasonable explanation. I’m not saying that their outerwear situation is any better, (seeing that I just went out to buy three Double Closet Extender Bars to make more room in their closets), but I’m thinking it may be because I have no idea what to do with the ones they have outgrown.

Amvets knows my address by heart, but would they still love me if I replaced the practically new toys I donate with used underwear and socks? I’m pretty sure they would certainly label me insane.

Which is what I will be if my kids disrespect the hard work it took me to reorganize their drawers and they mix the socks and underwear again!

1 comment:

Celtic Kitten said...

I don't think it's crazy at all. It's actually kind of exciting, all the panty possibilities before you have to do a load of whites.