Sunday, February 10, 2008

Bring On Spring

The last couple of weeks seem like a blur.

I'm not sure if it was because Isaac had some sort of virus that caused his head, neck, and back to hurt.

Or maybe it was because Bella had some sort of virus that caused her to break out in an incredibly itchy rash all over her body.

Maybe it seems like a blur because Mark was out of town.

More than likely, the blur occurred because along with Mark being out of town, Bella and Angel had ear infections that required two visits within 4 hours to the pediatricians office, where the whole community had their children in for similar symptoms.

If there was a dance to be done that would hasten the return of spring, I would be dancing all night long.

But between all the coughing and sneezing and nose wiping, there were a few comments that the kids made that are worthy of mention.

While driving home from the doctors office that particular double visit day, Angel was more concerned about her future than the ear ache at hand. She broke the silence with a huff and a moan of concern, followed by the most stressed out dialogue I've heard her utter to date.

"Oh gosh. What am I going to do? I still have NOT found a boyfriend. I need to find a boyfriend before I can get married!"

That same night, Bella was diagnosing some disease that her sister had. She had out the Elmo stethiscope, blood pressure monitor, and thermometer. When she noticed red spots at the bottom of her bum, she made her diagnosis.

"Oh no, Angel. I hope you don't have Hand, Foot, and Butt Disease!" Her own case of Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease was still fresh in her mind!

And last, but not least, a very cute dialgoue between Angel and her Ma. My mom called to ask Angel how her trip to the doctor's office went. The conversation went something like this:

Ma: "Hi Angel. You went to the doctors today? What did HE say?

Angel: "It's a girl!"

Overhearing Ma laughing hysterically on the other end of the line, she replies sternly, "Really Ma. It's a girl."

Knowing that type of joke is much too sophisticated for a four year old to play, it was apparent that she was trying to let her Ma know that the doctor was not a HE, but she was a girl!


Anonymous said...

That comment by Angel still makes me roar with laughter. She sounded so sincere!
Love, MA

Anonymous said...

your last month was a lot like ours. Sick! Sick! Sick! and yes more sick. All healthy now, thank you JESUS!!!